Our Projects

Talent Development Casa Sf. Maria

55 children

Talent Development Casa Kiwi

10 children

Training Project Betania Bacau 

for 18 years old + (3 young women in the program)

Education Laboratory Casa Sf. Elisabeta

19 children

Kids on Holiday Casa Kiwi

Kids on Holiday Casa Sf. Maria

Kids on Holiday Casa Sf. Elisabeta

Child Specific Funds

Renovation of Children Hospital in Tarnaveni

construction project with APG SWAP 2016

Enlargement of Casa Kiwi

construction project with APG SWAP 2019

Child Specific Fund 

In 2017 we started a child specific fund. Every month donators can donate for a specific child and invest in their personal fund. This fund can be used either as a scholarship for studies later on, for the specific needs of the child or for their personal talent development activities. The purpose of the fund will be discussed with the donators and is personalized on every child´s needs.



Marius is 4 years old and was found home alone in care by his 12 years old aunt. The officials discovered that the parents were in another country and he was completely abandoned by his parents. Marius was literally crying himself asleep every night and is now in care at Casa Kiwi. Eefje Perey is one of the donators who donates every month for Marius’s fund and future.



Read more about our projects here.

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